B2B Matching Service Inquiry Form Welcome to UNTAPPED FR's B2B Matching Service! We're excited to assist you in finding specialised service providers and businesses tailored to your business needs. Please take a few moments to complete the inquiry form below, and we'll work diligently to connect you with the right specialised services. Business Information: Company Name: Industry/Sector Comapny Website (if applicable): Brief Description of Your Business: Primary Contact Person: Contact Email: Contact Phone Number: Service Requirements: Type of Service Provider Needed (Check all that apply): Accounting and BookkeepingLegal ServicesConsulting ServicesHuman Resources (HR)Marketing and AdvertisingPublic Relations (PR) ServicesInformation Technology (IT)Environmental and SustainabilityIntellectual Property (IP) ServicesFinancial ServicesHealth and SafetyCorporate Governance ServicesQuality Management ServicesEvent Planning and ManagementData AnalyticsCoaching and MentorshipBusiness Valuation ServicesOccupational Health and WellnessFunding and InvestmentInternational TradeLogistics & Supply ChainOther (Please Specify): Specific Service(s) Required (if know) Preferred Geographic Location of Service Provider: LocalRegionalNationalInternational Budget Range for Services £0 - £5,000£5,000 - £10,000£10,000 - £20,000£20,000+ Timeline for Service Implementation: As soon as possibleUrgent (Within 1 month)Flexible (1-3 months)Long-term (3+ months) Additional Comments or Requirements: Consent: By submitting this form, you agree to allow UNTAPPED FR to process your information for the purpose of finding and matching you with the suitable service providers and facilitating B2B connections. Your information will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties without your consent. I agree to the terms and conditions. Thank you for providing the necessary details. Our team will review your request and initiate the search for specialised service providers that align with your requirements. Expect to hear from us soon with potential matches. If you have any immediate questions or additional details to share, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you in finding the right specialised service providers for your business needs!